Friday, February 10, 2012

Im a part of them.... i've been register so i can be a part of them. i did it on makassar komunitas kreatif anjungan. yah i happy can be a part of them, although i never attend their event yet :( i cant attend their event cause i always have an inhibit that make me cant attend to the event, but actually i want to attend their event so much... oh my god when do i can attend it? i hope this february i can attend the event... by the way girls.. these are some photo of some HMM on makassar komunitas kreatif
then this is some of them on dian pelangi's boutique that i know....

HMM member with Dian Pelangi and Lulu El Hasbu

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  1. hai habiba, salam kenaal :D
    bagian dari hijabers makassar yah? insya Allah tahun depan aku bakalan tinggal disana :D

    1. halo jg... panggilnya tiwi aja.. hehe. ia...
      hayo atuh gabung sm hijabers mksr :) tgl dmn emang???

  2. hihi, masih di jakartaa :D
    insya Allah akhir tahun ini nikah terus ikut suami ke makassar
    nanti nanya2 yah ttg hijabers makassar :D

    1. oohehe kk udah nikah... asli mana?? ia kak boleh ko..... ntar smsan aja :) aku juga sbnrnya bru msuk hijabers mksr... klo ada event jg jrang ikut, soalnya sibuk sklah... tp ntar klo kk mau dftr insya Allah aku bs bntu :)

  3. hihi, beluum. baru mau :D doakan yaahh..
    asli jakarta say.. oke deh, nanti kontak2an yaa.. :)


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