Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Its nice to be a hijab girl.... and who say that use a veil can make us ancient? its wrong... with hijab we also can be fashionable... look all of the fashion designer who use hijab Dian pelangi, Hana Tajima.. and also look the hijabers community blog, such as Suci Utami, Kara, Siti Juwariyah, Llu El Hasbu and also Indah Nada Puspita that so inspire me. and subhanallah, they are so beautiful and fashionable with their hijab :) by the way i went to the grand launching of Dian Pelangi's boutique on hertasning raya street in makassar (ups actually im late to post this!)

and this is her beautiful boutique girls.
yap that is the gain in that beautiful boutique, and i also wanna share my experience when i met with teh Dian Pelangi, when i was there, one of hijabers makassar met me, and she was so open and friendly, and she is kak Zahra :) and she invited me to meet with teh Dian pelangi. In that boutique i also met with mba Lulu El Hasbu, she also beautiful like as teh Dian pelangi, they are so frendly :). Dian Pelangi also told me that i have to explore my education in mode school before i explore an education as fashion designer, if i want.. and this is Dian Pelangi and Lulu el Hasbu

Lulu Elhasbu
Dian Pelangi
i also took time for take a picture... so bad >.<
finaly before finish write this post that have a long time to write, i wanna say thanks to hijabers makassar kak dede who tell me that there was Dian Pelangi Boutique launching, kak zahra who reconcile me with teh Dian Pelangi and mba Lulu El Hasbu.. and to om yudi from noor magazine who helped me to take my picture with teh Dian Pelangi and mba Lulu, the last for Teh Dian pelangi who told me the way to be a fashion designer and assalamualaikm wr wb beautiful hijabers :)

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  1. amazing ;)

    kapan dan dimana ini kak? wahh bagusnya.. >.<
    Mauku ikut... ndak dapat ka informasinya :(

  2. sdh lama dek... ayun suka hijab style juga yah? klo ia, snangnya sy pnya tmn yg sm hobbynya :D launchingnya sdh lama, tp klo butiqnya di jalan hertasning raya dek, dpnnya hotel pena mas.... ayoo jalan2 ksna :D eh ia, snang jg bs dpt follower bru, hehe thanks ayun :D

  3. hehe iya kak.. suka liat orang dengan gaya-gaya jilbab barunya ^^ Wah kapan-kapan kesana deh mumpung libur :D

    Ur welcome.. Keep posting kak! ^_^

  4. ia ia, ksna deh :) tp klo skrg2 koleksinya blum ada yg bru2... bgus klo ksna pas ada koleksinya yg baru... ia dek... nd tau knpa, sjak punya blog ktagihan ngpost... tiap mlm maunya ngpost, ini lg ngpost tp nd tau knp nd bs upload fto, lma skali


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